jueves, 26 de abril de 2012

1  Match A to B to form sentences.
                   A                                                                               B
1.   My friend sent me                                              ...... a.   a letter to the newspaper.
2.   Let’s meet and have                                           ...... b.   the phone.
3.   If we can’t meet, let’s speak on                              ...... c.   a text message.
4.   You can give your opinion by writing                     ...... d.  me an e-mail.
5.   In the evening, my friends and I chat                     ...... e.   a face-to-face conversation.
6.   I’m not home now so just send                             ...... f.   online.
2  Choose the correct answer.
1.   In most schools around the world, children learn to speak at least one … .
     a.   bad language                b.   foreign language           c.   sign language
2.   Although his mother speaks only Italian, Peter is … . He speaks English and Italian fluently.
     a.   translated                     b.   misunderstood              c.   bilingual
3.   Dina always … about the food her mother makes. 
     a.   complains                    b.   apologises                   c.   blames
4.   I would like to … a moment of your time.
     a.   warn                           b.   request                        c.   chat
3  Choose the correct answer.
1.   She had a car accident because she ignored / translated the “Stop” sign. ………………
2.   Her German is less fluent / slang than her French. ………………
3.   I said 15 - not 50! You discussed / misunderstood me. ………………
4.   The weatherman blamed / warned that a storm was coming. ………………
5.   Let’s go online this evening and have a chat / face-to-face conversation. ………………
6.   In case of emergency, please contact / blame Mrs C Smith. ………………
7.   Go and request / apologise to that boy right now. You obviously hurt his feelings. ………………
4  Replace the words in bold with the phrasal verbs below.
get by cut in pass
1  Match A to B to form sentences.
                   A                                                                               B
1.   My friend sent me                                              ...... a.   a letter to the newspaper.
2.   Let’s meet and have                                           ...... b.   the phone.
3.   If we can’t meet, let’s speak on                              ...... c.   a text message.
4.   You can give your opinion by writing                     ...... d.  me an e-mail.
5.   In the evening, my friends and I chat                     ...... e.   a face-to-face conversation.
6.   I’m not home now so just send                             ...... f.   online.
2  Choose the correct answer.
1.   In most schools around the world, children learn to speak at least one … .
     a.   bad language                b.   foreign language           c.   sign language
2.   Although his mother speaks only Italian, Peter is … . He speaks English and Italian fluently.
     a.   translated                     b.   misunderstood              c.   bilingual
3.   Dina always … about the food her mother makes. 
     a.   complains                    b.   apologises                   c.   blames
4.   I would like to … a moment of your time.
     a.   warn                           b.   request                        c.   chat
3  Choose the correct answer.
1.   She had a car accident because she ignored / translated the “Stop” sign. ………………
2.   Her German is less fluent / slang than her French. ………………
3.   I said 15 - not 50! You discussed / misunderstood me. ………………
4.   The weatherman blamed / warned that a storm was coming. ………………
5.   Let’s go online this evening and have a chat / face-to-face conversation. ………………
6.   In case of emergency, please contact / blame Mrs C Smith. ………………
7.   Go and request / apologise to that boy right now. You obviously hurt his feelings. ………………
4  Replace the words in bold with the phrasal verbs below.
get by cut in passed down get across pass on pick up get through
1.   I haven’t got a lot of money but I manage. ………………………
2.   The best way to understand this game is to learn the rules as you play. ………………………
3.   Talented dancers are able to use movement to communicate their feelings. ………………………
4.   I tried to call the office six times but I couldn’t reach them. ………………………
5.   Please spread the good news to everyone you know. ………………………
6.   It’s not polite to interrupt when someone else is speaking. ………………………
7.   This ring was given to my mother and then to me. ………………………

5  Choose the correct answer to complete the collocations.
1.   Sign / Body language is used mainly by the deaf.
2.   In Switzerland, there are four foreign / official languages.
3.   Pupils who use body / bad language will be sent home.
4.   Polish is his official / first language. He grew up in Poland.
5.   Your body / sign language usually gives away how you truly feel.
6  Complete the sentences with the words and expressions below.
keep in touch bilingual slang mother tongue discuss translate fluent
1.   It is difficult to ……………………… some words from one language into another.
2.   Her father speaks to her in French and her mother in Italian. She is totally ……………………… .
3.   Don’t shout at me. If you have a problem, let’s ……………………… it.
4.   You should never use ……………………… when you write a formal letter.
5.   His English is more ……………………… than his French or German.
6.   My best friend moved far away but we still ……………………… .
7.   Although she was born in Germany, English is her ……………………… since her mother is British.

jueves, 12 de abril de 2012

Means of communication


       When the subject  of a sentence  is a verb we use  Gerund :Verb-ING
      Vocabulary .Unit -5

1.Si tú  quieres romper las relaciones con tu novi@ enviar  le/la un mensaje    es menos embarazoso ( embarrassing)  que otros medios de comunicación.
2.Si tú quieres dar una mala noticia tener una conversacióncara a cara a cara es mejor que escribir una carta.
3.Haz una llamada telefónica para dar una mala noticia.(El) es más rápido que otros medios de comunicación.
4.Si discutes con un amigo quejarse acerca de su comportamiento no es la mejor manera de hacer las paces.
5.Envíar un e-mail para pedir información de un curso es más barato que escribir una carta.
6.Hablar on line con tus amigos todos los días significa gastar tu tiempo.
7.Estar de acuerdo con alguien singnifica ...................