miércoles, 25 de enero de 2012


Make questions and answer them in full anwers about N.Mandela (page 40-41).Use Past Simple

1.What /happen to South Africans from 1948 until 1994? (Pregunta por el sujeto por tanto no ponemos Did en la pregunta ,sólo ponemos el verbo en Past Simple)

2.What /apartheid/ mean?

3.Who /this policy/ keep in power?

4.How/ the rest of the country / live?

5.Who/ be /Mandela

6.Where/ be / he born?

7.What/ be / his real name?

8.What/ it / mean?

9.Who/ change his name? ( pregunta por el sujeto)

10.When and why /he/ run away from home?

11.What/ he/ study?

12.Why/ be/ he / involve_/ in the ANC?

13.What/ANC/ stand for?

14.Why/ be / he and other leaders / sentence_ to life in prison?

15.How long/ he / spend behind the bars?

16.What/ be/ the prison´s conditions like?

17.What/he / refuse to give up?

18.What / his jailers/ offer him?

19.What/ he /become later?

20.When/be/ he/ release_ from prison?

21.He/ receive the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993?

22.When/ he/ become the first black president of South Africa?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6YbZU84oId8 ( videos about N. Mandela)

Recommended film: Invictus