martes, 30 de noviembre de 2010


Answer the questions about Madelaine Giere

1.Who´s Madelaine?She´s a sixteen year-old girl from Vancouver

How did she go to Athens?.She went on a school trip.

Why did she visit the Parthenon?.Because it´s one of the city´s most famous sites.

What happened to her while she was walking through the site?.She stopped and picked up a rock to take a photo of it.

Why did she do it?.Because she wanted to have a closer look

Who put her in the jail?.The Greek authorities.

What was her charged with?.She was charged with theft of an antiquity.

Did she know that was forbidden?No,she didn´t.

Were there many written notices (avisos)?.Yes, there were.

What kind of tour guides did the company hire?.The company hired licensed tour guides.

Is it against the law to touch anything there?.Yes, it is

In the end,what was she charged with?She was charged with a fine.

What did her story bring to light?.Her story brought to light the problem of damage that tourists often cause to ancient sites.

Did the writer think that the Greek authorities go a little too far?.Yes,he/she did.

Over to you:
Piensas que Madelaine se merecia(deserve)ser castigada(punish)?.No dañó nada y no robó nada.Aunque debería haber sido más respetuosa.

Do you think Madelaine deserved to be punished?. She didn´t damage anything and she didn´t steal anything( she damaged nothing and she stole nothing).

No ,creo que fue muy injusto que Madelaine fuera castigada.

No, I believe/think tha it was very unfair that Mad. was punished.

Answer:Why don´t we use “Did” in all questions?

Because with the verbs : Be- there was/there were 0r asking for the subject we
don´t use “did” in the questions and in the negatives with the verbs Be or there was/were either

See the questios (1-4-6-7-9-11-12) ,They don´t use Did.

Find in the text words meaning:
-a través de= through
-a pesar de= in spite of
-no obstante/ sin embargo=Nevertheless
-mientras (que)= while /As